by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
MNED 228: Ministerial Ethics This course introduces ministerial students to the key ethical issues associated with pastoring, including personal and professional integrity, relations with the opposite sex, confidentiality, home visitation and calling, time use as a...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
MNED 227: The Minister and Finance This course trains ministerial students in the fundamentals of personal, ministerial, and church finances, including budgeting, basic accounting methods and software, taxes, business relationships within the church, and church...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
MNED 226: Leadership Seminar This course is uniquely designed to be a study of leadership that is both biblically supported and highly practical in developing one’s leadership ability. Utilizing J. Oswald Sanders book, Spiritual Leadership, along with the readings of...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
MNED 225: Leading Open Air Outreach This course trains students to present evangelistic messages in the “open air” using a sketch board and/or other methods, including the “Prayer Station.” From the classroom lectures, students learn principles of effective open air...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
MNED 106: Church Educational Program This course focuses on equipping the student, using The 7 Laws of the Learner, to participate effectively in the local church’s Sunday School and/or Junior Church programs. The student also learns methods for teaching the Bible...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
MNED 105: Spiritual Formation and Soul Winning Developing Personal Godliness. The focus of this unit of study is to learn how to become committed, faithful, and consistent men and women of God. The student is given practical guidelines that will help gain the...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
MNED 103: Ministerial Plenary Session This Friday session provides students opportunity to be mentored collectively, to benefit from spiritual accountability, and to hear special lectures. During these sessions they will also be exposed to a variety of ministries and...