EDUC 125: Art Methods in the Elementary School

EDUC 125: Art Methods in the Elementary School A course that seeks to enable elementary classroom teachers to develop appropriate intellectual, emotional, and aesthetic experiences as well as the investigation of the techniques and materials used to teach art in the...

EDUC 121: Bible Methods in the Elementary School

EDUC 121: Bible Methods in the Elementary School A course in which students learn to use material and methods of instruction appropriate to the study of God’s Word in the elementary school. The published curricula of several companies are reviewed and evaluated....

EDUC 437: Educating Exceptional Learners

EDUC 437: Educating Exceptional Learners A course focusing on the individual exceptional child and his or her development, including how the teacher can adapt to meet the student’s needs in the classroom by varying the learning environment, the content, or the...

EDUC 435: Classroom Management

EDUC 435: Classroom Management A course exploring several models of classroom management. Emphasis is placed on developing a personal system of classroom management. Prerequisite: Minimum of six hours of methods classes or permission of instructor 2 credits $10...

EDUC 328: Classroom Assessment

EDUC 328: Classroom Assessment A study of the principles and methods of measuring student achievement. Specific attention will be given to the construction of both traditional and nontraditional assessment instruments. Additional focus is upon scoring, grading and...

EDUC 234: Educational Methods, Media and Materials

EDUC 234: Educational Methods, Media and Materials A course in which students learn to plan, develop and use educational media. Students will be introduced to technologies that teachers may be expected to use in the 21st-century classroom. They will also be given...

EDUC 101: Christian Philosophy of Education

EDUC 101: Christian Philosophy of Education A course that seeks to define and evaluate several philosophical perspectives from the Christian viewpoint. The fundamental questions are considered: what is real, what is man, what is true, and what is moral. Students form...

SOCI 480: Topics in Social Science

SOCI 480: Topics in Social Science A topical course focused on some aspect of the social sciences, with content varying from semester to semester. 1-6 credits As topic varies, may be repeated for credit.

SOCI 421: Cultural Diversity

SOCI 421: Cultural Diversity A course designed to help the student develop a deeper appreciation for and a positive attitude toward other world cultures and civilizations. It presents the approach Christianity should take in relation to other cultures, as well as...