INFL 101: Information Literacy

INFL 101: Information Literacy This course introduces students to the various ways in which information is organized and stored and to the process of finding, using, and distributing information across various formats. Students acquire experience with resources...

HIST 433: Early Methodism and the American Holiness Movement

HIST 433: Early Methodism and the American Holiness Movement A historical survey of the origins of the Methodist movements in England and the U.S with special attention to their key figures and contemporary literature. Also explores the development of the American...

HIST 323: Church History

HIST 323: Church History A survey of the origins and development of the Christian church from its establishment to the present. This will include study of the doctrine, policy, and spirituality of the ancient and undivided church; Medieval Christianity in both...

HIST 222: United States History since 1865

HIST 222: United States History since 1865 A survey of American history from Reconstruction to the present. Emphasis on emancipation and Reconstruction, the Progressive Era, both world wars, the Civil Rights Movement, and the rise of conservatism....

HIST 221: United States History to 1865

HIST 221: United States History to 1865 A survey of American history from the colonial era through the Civil War. Emphasis on the American Revolution, the Early Republic, and the coming of the Civil War. 3 credits

HIST 121: Western Civilization to 1800

HIST 121: Western Civilization to 1800 Survey of the ideals, institutions, and persons in the growth of European civilization from antiquity to 1800 with attention given to the roles played by Asian and African cultures in shaping the Western world....

HIST 102: Historical Foundation of Missions

HIST 102: Historical Foundation of Missions This course takes a biographical approach to the study of the history of the Christian mission from the early church to the present. Special emphasis is given to the modern missionary era beginning in 1792. The course seeks...

SPAN 202: Spanish IIB

SPAN 202: Spanish IIB A continuation of the study of Spanish grammar with special emphasis on speaking and writing. Cultural aspects are included. Prerequisite: SPAN 201 3 credits

SPAN 201: Spanish IIA

SPAN 201: Spanish IIA A continuation of the study of Spanish grammar with special emphasis on speaking and writing. Cultural aspects are included. Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or permission of instructor 3 credits