GREK 224: Koine Greek IB

GREK 224: Koine Greek IB A course designed to give the student an acquaintance with the basic forms and structure of Koine Greek in which the New Testament was written. Emphasis is placed upon grammar, vocabulary, and translation for the purpose of making Greek a...

GREK 223: Koine Greek IA

GREK 223: Koine Greek IA A course designed to give the student an acquaintance with the basic forms and structure of Koine Greek in which the New Testament was written. Emphasis is placed upon grammar, vocabulary, and translation for the purpose of making Greek a...

FAHS 331: Perspectives on the Family

FAHS 331: Perspectives on the Family The study of the family. Topics covered will include the history of parenting, family systems and approaches to parenting, parental influences, parenting through the life stages, and contemporary issues of parenting including:...

FAHS 231: Perspectives on Singleness & Marriage

FAHS 231: Perspectives on Singleness & Marriage A study of proper relationships for the single adult, the dating or engaged couple, and the first years of marriage. Scriptural perspectives are emphasized. 3 credits

ENGL 421: Shakespeare

ENGL 421: Shakespeare A brief study of the English Renaissance under Queen Elizabeth and a detailed study of some of Shakespeare’s representative plays. Prerequisites: 6 hours of English at the 200 level or above 3 credits

ENGL 401: Practicum in Writing Instruction

ENGL 401: Practicum in Writing Instruction Individual reading, training and practice in tutoring writing and administering a writing-tutoring program restricted to advanced students. The student administers the on-campus Writing Lab under the direction of a faculty...

ENGL 333: World Literature

ENGL 333: World Literature A study of outstanding writings in world literature with the aim of creating a deeper appreciation and compassion for people and their problems through the examples presented in the literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or instructor’s...

ENGL 325: Young Adult Literature

ENGL 325: Young Adult Literature A study of literature written for adolescents, including an introduction to the genres, authors, and illustrators of adolescent and young adult literature. Special emphasis is given to criteria for analysis, evaluation, and selection...

ENGL 323: Modern English Grammar

ENGL 323: Modern English Grammar A course focused on the development and grammar of modern English. The course includes coverage of the history of the language with special attention to grammatical development, as well as coverage of modern grammar and dialect...

ENGL 321: Advanced Composition

ENGL 321: Advanced Composition A course designed to develop and refine students’ nonfiction writing abilities, particularly seeing to hone such features as style, tone, voice. The course seeks to blend reading and writing, analysis of effective composition thereby...