ENGL 315: Children’s Literature

ENGL 315: Children’s Literature A brief history of children’s literature and a study of authors and illustrators of children’s books from preschool through junior high. Students gain experience from reading and evaluating books from various genres and their use....

ENGL 301: Topics in English

ENGL 301: Topics in English A topical course focused on some aspect of English language and/or literature, with content varying from semester to semester. Possible topics include authors, movements, genres, periods, dialects, regions, etc. As topic varies, may be...

ENGL 222: American Literature

ENGL 222: American Literature A survey of American literature from 1600 to the present. A study is made of the development of American poetry and prose as used by major and selected minor writers. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or instructor’s permission...

ENGL 221: British Literature

ENGL 221: British Literature A survey of British literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present. The course seeks to provide breadth of exposure to the subject through study of the works of major, and some minor, writers. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or instructor’s...

EDUC 271: Introduction to TESOL

EDUC 271: Introduction to TESOL An introduction to language and literacy instruction, instructional approaches, and assessment models for the teaching of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Student design standard-based lessons and evaluate resources and...

ENGL 202: Practicum in Drama Ministry

ENGL 202: Practicum in Drama Ministry Rehearsal and performance of drama for ministry. In the process, students build their own portfolio of resources for future drama ministry. May be repeated for credit. Open by audition only. 1 credit

ENGL 121: Introduction to Literature

ENGL 121: Introduction to Literature A study of literary genres through representative readings. Special emphasis is given to the evaluation and analysis of literature from a Biblical worldview. 3 credits

ENGL 102: English Composition II

ENGL 102: English Composition II A course that seeks to help students develop additional writing and critical reading abilities. Written work focuses on textual response and analysis. Readings and written assignments will address texts of varying genres. Prerequisite:...

ENGL 090 LAB: English Grammar & Composition

ENGL 090 LAB: English Grammar & Composition This lab meets twice weekly (in supplement to ENGL 090) and focuses on the use of grammar in building effective sentences, paragraphs, and essays to prepare students for ENGL 101. Corequisite with ENGL 090. 1 credit $50...

ENGL 090: English Grammar & Composition

ENGL 090: English Grammar & Composition Designed to bring students to the proficiency level of the beginning of ENGL 101. Placement in En 090 is based on the student’s SAT or ACT with Writing essay score. Emphasis will be on developing grammatical accuracy and...