by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
BUAD 113: Introduction to Business An introduction to the contemporary business world, including international and small business, quality, ethics, and career preparation. The role of accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing activities is...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
BIST 334: The Minor Prophets A study of the Old Testament books of Hosea through Malachi. Each prophet and his message is examined against the historical background in which he spoke. 3 credits
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
BIST 330: Prophecy of Daniel & Revelation A study of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation in order to understand God’s strategy in human history and His great plan for the consummation of this age. Particular emphasis is given to the premillennial...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
BIST 321: The Major Prophets A study of the Old Testament books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and the historical portion of Daniel (Chapters 1-6). Each prophet and his message is examined against the historical background in which he spoke....
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
BIST 251: Biblical Geography While the student is an active participant on the school-sponsored tour of Israel or other biblical site, he or she must keep a “Study Tour Journal and Response” that shows a studied reflection of the geography, traditions, and people,...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
BIST 341: Pentateuch A study of early human history and early Jewish history as recorded in the Old Testament books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Additionally, attention is given to laws and religious ceremonies of ancient Israel. 3...
by Jason Weed | Apr 7, 2016
BIST 230: Historical Books A study of the Old Testament books of Joshua through Esther. Attention is given to the historical context of each of these books as well as to key people, places, and events in the community of Israel during this period....
by Jason Weed | Apr 6, 2016
BIST 222: Wisdom Literature A study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes as they relate to practical Christian living. From a study of Psalms, emphasis is placed on learning how to worship God. Psalms and Job offer an analysis of the problem of...
by Jason Weed | Apr 6, 2016
BIST 131: Music of the Bible A survey of music in the Bible. Hebrew and Greek word studies in music specifically taken from the Bible. Emphasis on the current usefulness of what the Word of God specifically teaches concerning music. 3 credits Same as MUSC...
by Jason Weed | Apr 6, 2016
BIST 103: Old Testament Literature A study of God’s self-disclosure as portrayed in the Old Testament. Each book of the Old Testament will be analyzed as to its literary genre, historical setting, and theological message. The student learns the major people, places,...