SYTH 520: Ecclesiology

SYTH 520: Ecclesiology A systematic study of the doctrine of the Church grounded in the Trinitarian nature and life of God. Ecclesiology fits within the larger doctrinal theme of the Kingdom of God and observes specifically how God’s mission is being fulfilled through...

SYTH 500: Systematic Theology

SYTH 500: Systematic Theology An investigation of the themes that comprise Christian theology. Focuses on theology as a coherent discipline, with immediate application to life and service. Topics include: Revelation, God, Man, Sin, Christ, Salvation, Holy Spirit,...

SYTH 518: Doctrine of Prevenient Grace

SYTH 518: Doctrine of Prevenient Grace An investigation of the Christian doctrine of prevenient grace. Focuses on developing a systematic theology of prevenient grace from Scripture, Christian history, and Christian philosophy. Topics include God’s gracious nature,...

PRTH 560-562: Church Multiplication Practica I-III

PRTH 560-562: Church Multiplication Practica I-III Church Multiplication Practica involves the study and application of biblical guidelines used by church planting movements world-wide for the multiplication of churches. Students receive ongoing formative feedback...

PRTH 550: Educational Administration

PRTH 550: Educational Administration An analysis of administrative behavior and organizational patterns as applicable to Christian schools. Various administrative theories and philosophical concepts will be studied as they apply to school administration, particularly...

PRTH 541: Facilitating and Assessing Spiritual Growth

PRTH 541: Facilitating and Assessing Spiritual Growth Introduces the content, literature, and methods associated with the discipline of spiritual formation. Special attention is given to personal, mentoring, and pastoral application of the materials. Read more about...

PRTH 540: Exploring Spiritual Disciplines

PRTH 540: Exploring Spiritual Disciplines A course designed to investigate the connection between the practice of spiritual disciplines and the depth of a believer’s walk with God, as well as the effectiveness of his/her ministry. 3 credits

PRTH 537: Pastoral Care and Counseling

PRTH 537: Pastoral Care and Counseling A study of the biblical and theological foundation for pastoral care and counseling. Discussions include the history of pastoral care and counseling and current theological trends in the modern pastoral care and counseling...

PRTH 536: Crisis Intervention in Counseling

PRTH 536: Crisis Intervention in Counseling This course provides an overview of evidence-based counseling strategies for those in crisis.  Special attention will be given to issues of bereavement, abuse, and suicide intervention. Prerequisite: MNED 530 and 531 or...

PRTH 535: Counseling Children and Adolescents

PRTH 535: Counseling Children and Adolescents This course provides an overview of evidence-based counseling strategies for working with children, adolescents, and their caregivers. Prerequisite: MNED 530 and 531 or their equivalent 3 credits