EDUC 450: Supervised Student Teaching

EDUC 450: Supervised Student Teaching A supervised student teaching experience in which the student is required to observe and participate in a teaching experience in an elementary school under the assistance of an experienced classroom teacher and the supervision of...

EDUC 441: Student Teaching Practicum II

EDUC 441: Student Teaching Practicum II An advanced-level Practicum course that deals with the practices and challenges of student teaching. It is taken alongside the student teaching experience. Students write case studies and progress reports relating to the...

EDUC 440: Student Teaching Practicum I

EDUC 440: Student Teaching Practicum I A senior-level course designed to precede the student teaching experience. This course includes classroom observations with outstanding teachers, as well as seminar considerations in the area of instructional planning, lesson...

EDUC 332: Educational Field Experience

EDUC 332: Educational Field Experience A course designed to provide students with opportunities to observe in a variety of classroom settings. They will observe how pupils learn and will discover appropriate teaching and classroom management strategies. To a limited...

EDUC 216: Math Methods in the Elementary School

EDUC 216: Math Methods in the Elementary School A course emphasizing the content of elementary mathematics and the methods and materials useful to teach it. Students discover that children learn best by actively exploring and investigating math, and that problem...

EDUC 125: Art Methods in the Elementary School

EDUC 125: Art Methods in the Elementary School A course that seeks to enable elementary classroom teachers to develop appropriate intellectual, emotional, and aesthetic experiences as well as the investigation of the techniques and materials used to teach art in the...

EDUC 121: Bible Methods in the Elementary School

EDUC 121: Bible Methods in the Elementary School A course in which students learn to use material and methods of instruction appropriate to the study of God’s Word in the elementary school. The published curricula of several companies are reviewed and evaluated....