by Jason Weed | May 15, 2020
MISS 427 Applied Missiology: ___________ A topics course that helps students transition from theory and practice in missions endeavors. Coupling theoretical and applied missiology, the course may focus on one of the following topics: contextualization, development,...
by Jason Weed | May 14, 2020
CHRM 132: Survey of Church History II Survey of Church History II is a study of the church from the Reformation through the twentieth century. This course is particularly important for understanding the rise of denominations after the Reformation. This may help you...
by Jason Weed | May 14, 2020
CHRM 131: Survey of Church History I Survey of Church History I is a study of the church from Pentecost until the beginning of the Reformation. This course will equip you for spiritual leadership by helping you evaluate doctrines and practices of the contemporary...
by Jason Weed | May 14, 2020
CHRM 127: Apologetics People in our world are full of questions about the Christian faith. How do I know there is a God? Is the Creation story true? Is Christianity true? Why should I trust a book that is 2000 years old? Was Jesus really raised from the dead? Was...
by Jason Weed | May 14, 2020
CHRM 126: Biblical Evangelism and Discipleship Biblical Evangelism and Discipleship emphasizes the centrality of the local church, showing that the gospel is the mission of the church, and that the nature of the gospel should shape the church. Also, by explaining the...
by Jason Weed | May 14, 2020
CHRM 124: Principles of Communication Principles of Christian Communication is designed to equip you to become a more effective speaker and writer. Excellence in communication is essential for every spiritual leader, especially those whom God has called to a...
by Jason Weed | May 14, 2020
CHRM 123: Introduction to Christian Worship Introduction to Worship will give you a greater appreciation for the unique worship traditions practiced around the world. In this course we will survey church history to see how worship has changed over time. We will study...
by Jason Weed | May 14, 2020
CHRM 121: Spiritual Formation Spiritual Formation is a course designed to help Christians be transformed more and more into the image of Christ. In these lessons we will learn to think the thoughts of Jesus, to relate to God the way Jesus related to his Father, to...
by Jason Weed | May 14, 2020
CHRM 120: Ministry Leadership This course is designed especially for Christian leaders of ministry, but uses principles that apply to any leadership role. It shows why conviction is the foundation of leadership. A potential leader will learn how to develop his...
by Jason Weed | May 14, 2020
CHRM 115: World Religions and Cults This course explains the basic beliefs and histories of eighteen selected cults and religions, contrasting them with historic Christianity and evaluating their doctrines and practices by the Bible. The student will be prepared to...