by Jason Weed | May 13, 2020
CHRM 101: Exploring the Old Testament Exploring the Old Testament introduces a God who created mankind in His own image, a God who loves fallen men even when they are unlovable, and a God who steps into the chaos of a sin cursed world to redeem and reestablish...
by Jason Weed | Aug 15, 2019
ENGM 090 Engage Ministry Formation Class Introduces students to the Engagement Program. In the Engage Program, through a variety of selected service options, students will gain real-world training, opportunities to explore career options, and enhanced employability...
by Jason Weed | Aug 15, 2019
ENGM 100 Engage Ministry Formation Through a variety of selected service options, students will gain real-world training, opportunities to explore career options, and enhanced employability skills such as communication, problem solving, and leadership as well...
by Jason Weed | Aug 2, 2019
EDUC 340: Paraprofessional Capstone This course is a culminating experience for the AAS in Teacher Education, in which the student will observe the dynamics within an elementary classroom and assist the teacher in a variety of tasks. 3 credits
by Jason Weed | Aug 2, 2019
MRKT 363: Designing User Experiences for Digital Marketing & Communications Students explore designing the user’s experience for marketing and communication pieces on the World Wide Web and the Internet. User Research – focuses on analytics, competitor...
by Jason Weed | Oct 17, 2018
EDUC 301: Topics in Education A course that focuses on issues in education with content varying from semester to semester. As the topic varies, this course may be repeated for credit. 1-3 credits
by Jason Weed | Oct 8, 2018
THEO 141: Principles of the Christian Life II A study of loving God and others relates to responding to believers when they sin against us, gender and sexual identity issues, modesty, adornment, alcohol use, God’s design for reflecting his headship in corporate...
by Jason Weed | Oct 8, 2018
THEO 322: Systematic Theology II A two-semester study of Bible doctrines formulated into a system. First semester: Revelation, God, Man, and Sin. Second semester: Christ, Salvation, Holy Spirit, and Last Things. 3 credits
by Jason Weed | Oct 8, 2018
PSYC 326: Educational Psychology A course designed to study the relationship between psychology and education. Some areas of study include purposes of education, classroom dynamics, measurement and evaluation, individual differences, and adjustments....
by Jason Weed | Oct 8, 2018
MUSC 485: Vocal Pedagogy and Literature Pedagogy of Solo Voice. Fundamentals of voice production: posture, breath control, tone, diction. Includes a study of vocal repertoire. Observation required. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 2...